Lasting Impressions
Permanent Make Up, Microblade Eyebrows and Non-Laser Tattoo Removal in Tucson
Through my years of performing permanent
cosmetic procedures, I have come to realize that taking the time to “prep” before your procedure
truly does help not only the process itself, it helps the healing process afterward. Please
follow the instructions below for what I believe,
will give you the absolute best possible outcome.
Starting 5 Days Prior to Procedure:
Take Arnica (sold at health food stores)
a homeopathic herbal supplement, 4 pills
4 times per day let it melt under your tongue.
Discontinue Vitamin E, Green Tea Extract
as well as Cayenne Pepper supplements.
Starting 3 Days Prior to Procedure:
Eat plenty of fresh (cannot be canned) pineapple.
Starting 1 Day Prior to Procedure:
If you are scheduled for a lip procedure
and have a history of cold sores, start taking
the anti-viral medication prescribed for you.
Morning of the Procedure:
If you are scheduled for a lip procedure
start taking the antibiotic prescribed for you.
If you use Latisse (or any other lash lengthening product), you must stop using Latisse for a minimum of six (6) weeks
prior to your eyeliner procedure. This also appliesto touch up and or follow up procedures.
If you have your eyelash extensions, please
try and schedule your eyeliner appointment at the
end of your lash cycle, your lashes need to be
free of any glue and eyelash extensions.
Health conditions and medications that can slow down healing or cause swelling,
bleeding and loss of color are:
Please discontinue mega-doses of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Garlic and all non-prescription medications (except Tylenol), five days prior to procedure. Reduce salt intake, caffeine
and discontinue ALL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES at least 24 hours before procedure, No Pacemakers.
Consult your doctor before:
Discontinuing any prescribed medication(s) or before taking narcotic, prescription pain relievers, No Pacemakers. You should not drive while taking a narcotic pain reliever!
Please make sure you have a driver to take you home!
Eye Brow Procedure:
Eye Brows will appear dark for 3-7 days, they will also be thicker than when healed.
Minimal redness and irritation can be expected during this time. The eyebrow procedure
is almost painless to most clients
If you are using Latisse or any other lash lengthening product you need to stop using
6 weeks prior to your appointment, also any glaucoma medication, these medications
cause blood vessels to surface and this could cause a blow out. You will need to bring an
extra pair of glasses to wear after your procedure, in case you need them. You should
also ask your Doctor for a prescription for an ophthalmic-steroid eye ointment,
for use at home, which is beneficial to reduce swelling if used immediately following this procedure. Please, also,have ARTIFICIAL TEARS or OPHTHALMIC SALINE SOLUTION
available for home care treatment. Your eye lids will be swollen, bruised and tender after
your procedure, light sensitivity is also a side effect .Deanna will give you instructions
for aftercare. You will need to have someone drive you home, your vision will be blurry for awhile after your procedure from the numbing agent.(this could last 1-2 days
Some clients more so than others.) if you wear contacts your eyes are more
susceptible to blurred vision because they are protected by the contacts and not used
to the elements much less the numbing agent.
Lip Procedures:
If you have ever, ever had a cold sore outbreak, you still have the virus in your system!
Lip tissue damage is an open invitation for this viral infection resulting in swelling, pain
and causing some color loss in your new lip tattoo! Please discuss obtaining anti-viral
medication (i.e., Valtrex, Denavir) with your physician. Most doctors recommend taking
the anti-viral medication for 5 days, beginning the day before the lip procedure. This
routine should be repeated on all follow-up procedures. Abreva for cold sores and fever
blisters works great, it's what I used and it healed my lips, it is fast. SWELLING is
unpredictable and varies with each individual. However, swelling is reduced substantially
for most individuals in 24-48 hours. Color is quite bright during the swollen period, but
mellows as swelling subsides. It helps to keep head elevated above heart for the first
24 hours. Lips will be more receptive to color and have less tissue damage if softened
with daily massage of VITAMIN E OIL (for two weeks or more) before each lip procedure.
Do not use Vitamin E after lip tattoo until it is completely healed. For individuals with
frequent viral outbreaks, please contact your doctor regarding a preventive program. Numerous “Holistic” doctors are recommending Lysine.
Lasting Impressions Permanent Makeup
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